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16 January 2013

Come liberarsi del corpo della vittima

Le case vuote di Detroit diventano una discarica per i cadaveri
Abandoned lots, alleys and neglected parks in Detroit used to be a favorite destination for discarded tires and trash. But over in 2012 they have become dumping grounds for the dead. Carlos Osorio / AP

3 August 2012

.. I ragazzi erano stati uccisi, spogliati, e lasciati in un blocco di edifici deserto. Erano soltanto le ultime vittime di un gioco mostruoso i cui resti sono rimasti nascosti per giorni dopo essere stati nascosti nella profondità della foresta urbana di Detroit....

Le parti abbandonate della città stanno rapidamente diventando discariche per i morti.....

"Puoi sparare a qualcuno, scaricare il corpo, e il caso può non essere mai risolto a causa del tempo che ci vuole per ritrovare il cadavere," ha detto l'ufficiale John Garner.

Vacant Detroit becomes dumping ground for the dead
3 August 2012

DETROIT – From the street, the two decomposing bodies were nearly invisible, concealed in an overgrown lot alongside worn-out car tires and a moldy sofa. The teenagers had been shot, stripped to their underwear and left on a deserted block.
They were just the latest victims of foul play whose remains went undiscovered for days after being hidden deep inside Detroit's vast urban wilderness — a crumbling wasteland rarely visited by outsiders and infrequently patrolled by police.
Abandoned and neglected parts of the city are quickly becoming dumping grounds for the dead — at least a dozen bodies in 12 months' time. And authorities acknowledge there's little they can do.
"You can shoot a person, dump a body and it may just go unsolved" because of the time it may take for the corpse to be found, officer John Garner said.

1 comment:

  1. The Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave and yes, I almost forgot, The Shining City on the Hill, ....just not quite in the Motor City.
